Digital Displays & Electronic Message Centers

At MegaLift, we specialize in creating and installing digital displays and electronic message centers that are sure to capture the attention of your audience. Whether you want to showcase a message, engage fans, keep score, or run advertisements, our team has the expertise and partnerships with industry leaders like Samsung and OES to make it happen for your company or venue.

Ohio State Field Hockey sign

Light Up Your Message

One of the key features of our digital displays and electronic message centers is their ability to light up your message with our OES Scoreboards marquee solutions. These solutions offer superior display capabilities, showcasing exciting videos, engaging animations, and eye-catching text in any outdoor setting.

Unmatched Durability & Quality

At MegaLift, we understand the importance of durability and quality when it comes to outdoor displays. That’s why our marquee solutions are built with lightweight aluminum frames, brighter LEDs, weather-proof coating, and unparalleled quality components. This ensures that our displays can make a dynamic impression even in the harshest conditions. We offer a variety of outdoor options to fit every project, message, and budget. Our LED outdoor digital marquees are known for their vibrant and dynamic appearance, making them a great investment for any business looking to grab the attention of any audience.

Key Features Ensure Beautiful Displays

Our digital displays and electronic message centers have rich color for exceptional picture quality and true-to-life images. They have excellent direct sunlight readability, can be single or double-sided displays, and you can also choose to include 4G or WiFi solutions for easy remote message changes. Contact MegaLift today to get started with high-quality displays that stand out and bring attention to your business, venue, or event!

Key Features Included:

Get Started With Us Today

When it comes to creating digital displays and electronic message centers, investing in the best quality products in Central Ohio can make a huge positive impact on your business! At MegaLift, we’ll work with you to ensure that your display or message center meets your needs and exceeds your expectations, so get in touch with us today to get started with a consultation.